API Primer — REST API s— what’s in a name…

Prashant Prasannakumaran
2 min readMay 28, 2021


API (Application Programming Interface) is the backbone of the digital world

The most prevalent is REST APIs, with SOAP becoming legacy and GraphQL seemingly emerging as the next step in API evolution.

APIs and API monetization is only growing (at a CAGR of 23%), hence demand for technical skills is high

This series will provide insights into the various aspects involved in building REST APIs

Let’s start with defining APIs

Naming Conventions

There are no defined standards for REST API naming, however there are certain best practices recommended for various areas like

  1. Endpoint definition
  2. Query parameters
  3. Headers
  4. Payload


<HTTP Method> <version>/<resource>/{id}/<child-resource>

It’s recommended to limit levels of nesting to 2 e.g. GET departments/{dept-id}/employees/{emp-id}

Some examples to reinforce the convention and avoid common pitfalls

The scenario’s were verbs start appearing in URL are the more tricky ones to manage

PUT versus PATCH

  • Use PUT when wanting to update an entire entity e.g. Edit Entity screen
  • Use PATCH when wanting to update parts of an entity
  • Creating a dedicated endpoint for specific changes which need dedicated business logic benefits to monitor and derive insights

Path Parameter

When: To provide a resource identifier for GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE requests

Examples pass bookId in the path /v1/books/<bookId>

  • Fetch details of a particular book
  • Update details of a particular book

Query Parameter

When: To provide filters, sorting, pagination parameters for GET requests

Note: Use with GET requests only

Recommendation for pagination

  • limit=number
  • offset=number

Recommendation for sorting

  • sortField=
  • sortOrder=asc|desc


  • sort=-[incase we want desc]<fieldName>


Ensure we use Standard Headers wherever applicable for scenario’s like requesting a response format (Accept), language (Locale), identifying an user (Authorization)

Custom Headers to be added when we want to pass information that is applicable across APIs e.g. CSRF tokens

Recommended naming convention: X-<name>
If the name has multiple words, split them by hyphen


For pagination scenarios include fields like limit, offset and totalCount

Ensure related fields are group together into objects

Generic Aspects

  1. Ensure POST/PATCH/DELETE requests do not send data via query parameters, use Payload
  2. Ensure camelCase or hyphen-case or snake_case are used when resources or payload attributes are having multiple words. Pick any of the styles and follow them consistently

Next Steps

Lookout for more content around other aspects of REST API development


Thanks to Pranav Silimkhan for inputs and corrections



Prashant Prasannakumaran
Prashant Prasannakumaran

Written by Prashant Prasannakumaran

Principal Architect @ Persistent Systems Limited

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